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Version: 1.15

1.1 Numeric expressions

Let's start our quest. 🚩 FEEL allows you to use basic numeric calculations like addition, subtraction and multiplication to name a few. Our friend arrived in Spain by boat, specifically Cadiz. The goal is to reach Pamplona (which is 1,030.8 kms away).

As part of the quest, Zee received magical items ✨ and decided to use The Boots of Hermes 👞, which give its wearer a speed of 48.2 kms/hour.

Using numeric operators, how many hours would it take to get there? Consider resting for 30 minutes every 5 hours. Let's also round up the number for total resting time by using a numeric function.


// change formula considering resting time plus total time
round up(distance / speed, 0)


A JSON document that is used to resolve variables in the expression.
  "distance": 1030.8,
  "speed": 48.2,
  "restInHrs": 0.5,
  "restInterval": 5


<click 'Evaluate' to see the result of the expression>


It would take Zee 24 hours to complete the trip.

round up(restInHrs * (distance / speed) / restInterval + distance / speed, 0)