List Samples
Filter a List and Return the First Element
Return the first packaging element which unit is "Palette".
(data.attribute.packaging[unit = "Palette"])[1]
Group a List
Group the given list of invoices by their person.
Each invoice has a person. The persons are extracted from the invoices and are used as a filter for the list.
for p in distinct values(invoices.person) return invoices[person = p]
{"id":1, "person":"A", "amount": 10},
{"id":2, "person":"A", "amount": 20},
{"id":3, "person":"A", "amount": 30},
{"id":4, "person":"A", "amount": 40},
{"id":5, "person":"B", "amount": 15},
{"id":6, "person":"B", "amount": 25}
{"id":1, "person":"A", "amount": 10},
{"id":2, "person":"A", "amount": 20},
{"id":3, "person":"A", "amount": 30},
{"id":4, "person":"A", "amount": 40}
{"id":5, "person":"B", "amount": 15},
{"id":6, "person":"B", "amount": 25}
Merge two Lists
Merge two given lists. Each list contains context values with the same structure. Each context has an entry "id" that identifies the value.
The result is a list that contains all context values grouped by the identifier.
ids: union(,,
getById: function (files,fileId)
if (count(files[id=fileId]) > 0)
then files[id=fileId][1]
else {},
merge: for id in ids return put all(getById(x.files, id), getById(y.files, id))
"x": {"files": [
{"id":1, "content":"a"},
{"id":2, "content":"b"}
"y": {"files": [
{"id":1, "content":"a2"},
{"id":3, "content":"c"}
{"id":1, "content":"a2"},
{"id":2, "content":"b"},
{"id":3, "content":"c"}