FEEL Grammar
This is the original grammar from the spec.
1. expression =
a. textual expression |
b. boxed expression ;
2. textual expression =
a. function definition | for expression | if expression | quantified expression |
b. disjunction |
c. conjunction |
d. comparison |
e. arithmetic expression |
f. instance of |
g. path expression |
h. filter expression | function invocation |
i. literal | simple positive unary test | name | "(" , textual expression , ")" ;
3. textual expressions = textual expression , { "," , textual expression } ;
4. arithmetic expression =
a. addition | subtraction |
b. multiplication | division |
c. exponentiation |
d. arithmetic negation ;
5. simple expression = arithmetic expression | simple value ;
6. simple expressions = simple expression , { "," , simple expression } ;
7. simple positive unary test =
a. [ "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" ] , endpoint |
b. interval ;
8. interval = ( open interval start | closed interval start ) , endpoint , ".." , endpoint , ( open interval end | closed interval
end ) ;
9. open interval start = "(" | "]" ;
10. closed interval start = "[" ;
11. open interval end = ")" | "[" ;
12. closed interval end = "]" ;
13. simple positive unary tests = simple positive unary test , { "," , simple positive unary test } ;
14. simple unary tests =
a. simple positive unary tests |
b. "not", "(", simple positive unary tests, ")" |
c. "-";
15. positive unary test = simple positive unary test | "null" ;
16. positive unary tests = positive unary test , { "," , positive unary test } ;
17. unary tests =
a. positive unary tests |
b. "not", " (", positive unary tests, ")" |
c. "-"
18. endpoint = simple value ;
19. simple value = qualified name | simple literal ;
20. qualified name = name , { "." , name } ;
21. addition = expression , "+" , expression ;
22. subtraction = expression , "-" , expression ;
23. multiplication = expression , "*" , expression ;
24. division = expression , "/" , expression ;
25. exponentiation = expression, "**", expression ;
26. arithmetic negation = "-" , expression ;
27. name = name start , { name part | additional name symbols } ;
28. name start = name start char, { name part char } ;
29. name part = name part char , { name part char } ;
30. name start char = "?" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [\uC0-\uD6] | [\uD8-\uF6] | [\uF8-\u2FF] | [\u370-\u37D] | [\u37F-\u1FFF] |
[\u200C-\u200D] | [\u2070-\u218F] | [\u2C00-\u2FEF] | [\u3001-\uD7FF] | [\uF900-\uFDCF] | [\uFDF0-\uFFFD] |
[\u10000-\uEFFFF] ;
31. name part char = name start char | digit | \uB7 | [\u0300-\u036F] | [\u203F-\u2040] ;
32. additional name symbols = "." | "/" | "-" | "’" | "+" | "*" ;
33. literal = simple literal | "null" ;
34. simple literal = numeric literal | string literal | Boolean literal | date time literal ;
35. string literal = '"' , { character – ('"' | vertical space) }, '"' ;
36. Boolean literal = "true" | "false" ;
37. numeric literal = [ "-" ] , ( digits , [ ".", digits ] | "." , digits ) ;
38. digit = [0-9] ;
39. digits = digit , {digit} ;
40. function invocation = expression , parameters ;
41. parameters = "(" , ( named parameters | positional parameters ) , ")" ;
42. named parameters = parameter name , ":" , expression ,
{ "," , parameter name , ":" , expression } ;
43. parameter name = name ;
44. positional parameters = [ expression , { "," , expression } ] ;
45. path expression = expression , "." , name ;
46. for expression = "for" , name , "in" , expression { "," , name , "in" , expression } , "return" , expression ;
47. if expression = "if" , expression , "then" , expression , "else" expression ;
48. quantified expression = ("some" | "every") , name , "in" , expression , { name , "in" , expression } , "satisfies" ,
expression ;
49. disjunction = expression , "or" , expression ;
50. conjunction = expression , "and" , expression ;
51. comparison =
a. expression , ( "=" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" ) , expression |
b. expression , "between" , expression , "and" , expression |
c. expression , "in" , positive unary test ;
d. expression , "in" , " (", positive unary tests, ")" ;
52. filter expression = expression , "[" , expression , "]" ;
53. instance of = expression , "instance" , "of" , type ;
54. type = qualified name ;
55. boxed expression = list | function definition | context ;
56. list = "[" [ expression , { "," , expression } ] , "]" ;
57. function definition = "function" , "(" , [ formal parameter { "," , formal parameter } ] , ")" ,
[ "external" ] , expression ;
58. formal parameter = parameter name ;
59. context = "{" , [context entry , { "," , context entry } ] , "}" ;
60. context entry = key , ":" , expression ;
61. key = name | string literal ;
62. date time literal = ( "date" | "time" | "date and time" | "duration" ) , "(" , string literal , ")" ;
Rewritten grammar which is used by the parser.
// 1 a)
expression = textualExpression
// 1 b)
expression10 = boxedExpression
// 3
textualExpressions = textualExpression ( "," textualExpression )*
// 2 a)
textualExpression = functionDefinition / forExpression / ifExpression / quantifiedExpression / expression2
// 2 b)
expression2 = disjunction
// 2 c)
expression3 = conjunction
// 2 d)
expression4 = comparison / expression5
// 2 e)
expression5 = arithmeticExpression
// 2 f)
expression6 = instanceOf / expression7
// 2 g)
expression7 = pathExpression
// 2 h)
expression8 = filterExpression / functionInvocation / expression9
// 2 i)
expression9 = literal / name / simplePositiveUnaryTest / ( "(" textualExpression ")" ) / expression10
// 6
simpleExpressions = simpleExpression ( "," simple expression )*
// 5
simpleExpression = arithmeticExpression / simpleValue
// 4 a) -> 21+22
arithmeticExpression = arithmeticExpression2 ( "+" arithmeticExpression2 / "-" arithmeticExpression2 )*
// 4 b) -> 23+24
arithmeticExpression2 = arithmeticExpression3 ( "*" arithmeticExpression3 / "/" arithmeticExpression3 )*
// 4 c) -> 25
arithmeticExpression3 = arithmeticExpression4 ( "**" arithmeticExpression4 )*
// 4 d) -> 26
arithmeticExpression4 = ("-")? expression6
// 17
unaryTests = "-" / ( "not" "(" positiveUnaryTests ")" ) / positiveUnaryTests
// 16
positiveUnaryTests = positiveUnaryTest ( "," positiveUnaryTest )*
// 15
positiveUnaryTest = "null" / simplePositiveUnaryTest
// 14
simpleUnaryTests = "-" / ( "not" "(" simplePositiveUnaryTests ")" ) / simplePositiveUnaryTests
// 13
simplePositiveUnaryTests = simplePositiveUnaryTest ( "," simplePositiveUnaryTest )*
// 7
simplePositiveUnaryTest = ( ( "<" / "<=" / ">" / ">=" )? endpoint ) / interval
// 18
endpoint = simpleValue
// 19
simpleValue = simpleLiteral / qualifiedName
// 33
literal = "null" / simpleLiteral
// 34
simpleLiteral = booleanLiteral / dateTimeLiteral / stringLiteral / numericLiteral
// 36
booleanLiteral = "true" / "false"
// 62
dateTimeLiteral = ( "date" / "time" / "date and time" / "duration" ) "(" stringLiteral ")"
// 35
stringLiteral = '"' ( !('"' / verticalSpace) character )* '"'
// 37
numericLiteral = ( "-" )? ( ( digits ( "." digits )? ) / ( "." digits ) )
// 39
digits = digit ( digit )*
// 38
digit = [0-9]
// 20
qualifiedName = name ( "." name )*
// 27
name = nameStart ( namePart / additionalNameSymbols )*
// 28
nameStart = nameStartChar ( namePartChar )*
// 29
namePart = ( namePartChar )+
// 30
nameStartChar = "?" / [A-Z] / "_" / [a-z] / [\uC0-\uD6] / [\uD8-\uF6] / [\uF8-\u2FF] / [\u370-\u37D] / [\u37F-\u1FFF] /
[\u200C-\u200D] / [\u2070-\u218F] / [\u2C00-\u2FEF] / [\u3001-\uD7FF] / [\uF900-\uFDCF] / [\uFDF0-\uFFFD] /
// 31
namePartChar = nameStartChar / digit / [\uB7] / [\u0300-\u036F] / [\u203F-\u2040]
// 32
additionalNameSymbols = "." / "/" / "-" / "’" / "+" / "*"
// 8
interval = ( openIntervalStart / closedIntervalStart ) endpoint ".." endpoint ( openIntervalEnd / closedIntervalEnd )
// 9
openIntervalStart = "(" / "]"
// 10
closedIntervalStart = "["
// 11
openIntervalEnd = ")" / "["
// 12
closedIntervalEnd = "]"
// 46
forExpression = "for" name "in" expression ( "," name "in" expression )* "return" expression
// 47
ifExpression = "if" expression "then" expression "else" expression
// 48
quantifiedExpression = ("some" / "every") (name "in" expression)+ "satisfies" expression
// 49
disjunction = expression3 ( "or" expression3 )*
// 50
conjunction = expression4 ( "and" expression )*
// 51
comparison = ( expression5 ( "=" / "!=" / "<" / "<=" / ">" / ">=" ) expression5 ) /
( expression5 "between" expression "and" expression ) /
( expression5 "in" "(" positiveUnaryTests ")" ) /
( expression5 "in" positiveUnaryTest )
// 53
instanceOf = expression7 "instance" "of" type
// 54
type = qualifiedName
// 45
pathExpression = expression8 ( "." name )* ( "[" expression "]" )
// 52
filterExpression = expression9 "[" expression "]"
// 40
functionInvocation = expression9 parameters
// 41
parameters = "(" namedParameters / positionalParameters ")"
// 42
namedParameters = parameterName ":" expression ( "," parameterName ":" expression )*
// 43
parameterName = name
// 44
positionalParameters = ( expression ( "," expression )* )?
// 55
boxedExpression = list / functionDefinition / context
// 56
list = "[" ( expression ( "," expression )* )? "]"
// 57
functionDefinition = "function" "(" ( formalParameter ( "," formalParameter )* )? ")" ( "external" )? expression
// 58
formalParameter = parameterName
// 59
context = "{" ( contextEntry ( "," contextEntry )* )? "}"
// 60
contextEntry = key ":" expression
// 61
key = name / stringLiteral