Interface ZBWorkerOptions<InputVars>

interface ZBWorkerOptions<InputVars> {
    debug?: boolean;
    failProcessOnException?: boolean;
    fetchVariable?: (keyof InputVars)[];
    maxJobsToActivate?: number;
    onConnectionErrorHandler?: ConnectionErrorHandler;
    pollInterval?: MaybeTimeDuration;
    timeout?: MaybeTimeDuration;

Type Parameters

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debug?: boolean

Enable debug tracking

failProcessOnException?: boolean

If a handler throws an unhandled exception, if this is set true, the process will be failed. Defaults to false.

fetchVariable?: (keyof InputVars)[]

Constrain payload to these keys only.

maxJobsToActivate?: number

Max concurrent tasks for this worker. Default 32.

onConnectionErrorHandler?: ConnectionErrorHandler

This handler is called when the worker cannot connect to the broker, or loses its connection.

pollInterval?: MaybeTimeDuration

Poll Interval in ms. Default 100.

timeout?: MaybeTimeDuration

Max seconds to allow before time out of a job given to this worker. Default: 30s. The broker checks deadline timeouts every 30 seconds, so an

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