The client for the unified Camunda 8 REST API.

Logging: to enable debug tracing during development, you can set DEBUG=camunda:zeebe-rest.

For production, you can pass in an instance of winston.Logger to the constructor as logger.

CAMUNDA_LOG_LEVEL in the environment or the constructor options can be used to set the log level to one of 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'http', 'verbose', 'debug', or 'silly'.





log: Logger
oAuthProvider: IOAuthProvider
rest: Promise<Got>
tenantId?: string
userAgentString: string


  • Helper method to add the default tenantIds if we are not passed explicit tenantIds

    Type Parameters

    • T extends {
          tenantId?: string;


    • request: T

    Returns T & {
        tenantId: undefined | string;

  • Assign a user task with the given key to the given assignee.



    • __namedParameters: {
          action: string;
          allowOverride?: boolean;
          assignee: string;
          userTaskKey: string;
      • action: string

        A custom action value that will be accessible from user task events resulting from this endpoint invocation. If not provided, it will default to "assign".

      • Optional allowOverride?: boolean

        By default, the task is reassigned if it was already assigned. Set this to false to return an error in such cases. The task must then first be unassigned to be assigned again. Use this when you have users picking from group task queues to prevent race conditions.

      • assignee: string

        The assignee for the user task. The assignee must not be empty or null.

      • userTaskKey: string

        The key of the user task to assign.

    Returns Promise<unknown>



  • Cancel an active process instance


    • __namedParameters: {
          operationReference?: number;
          processInstanceKey: string;
      • Optional operationReference?: number
      • processInstanceKey: string

    Returns Promise<Response<string>>

  • Returns Promise<{
        accept: string;
        authorization: string;
        content-type: string;
        user-agent: string;

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